Tracking the Political Transition in Syria
Current Events Daniel Stoker Current Events Daniel Stoker

Tracking the Political Transition in Syria

What lies next for Syria is impossible to predict, but it won’t stop many from trying. Revolutions and regime-changes are volatile capable of transforming in ways we can’t imagine.However, I’m not without my own reservations. Syria’s future likely rests not only in its new leaders but also in the international community and its response (sanctions relief is absolutely necessary). Rather than attempt to write my own thoughts on the current events in Syria, I would just like to share links to some of the most best reporting on what has happened and is happening in Syria now.

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Three Books I read in 2024
Daniel Stoker Daniel Stoker

Three Books I read in 2024

At the beginning of every year I typically set a goal to read a set number of books. While most of the books I read deal with the history of the Middle East, I try to read on a broad spectrum of topics including general history, current events, and human interests/memoirs/biographies, and general fiction (typically novels, but also graphic novels like Shubeik Lubeik and Persepolis). However for the purpose of this blog I will only write about books that are relevant to the Middle East. As this year ends, I would like to highlight three books I’ve read in the last year that I find particularly relevant to understanding the region and its history.

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